My Friends The Flying Calamari Brothers
Let me tell you about two of the most interesting fellows I've ever had the good fortune to know. Rich and Mark, the Flying Calamari Brothers. They wandered into my magic shop sometime back in the 90s. Their very presence alone grabbed my attention. Picture this -- it's Oliver Hardy teamed up with a cross between Curly Howard from The Three Stooges and Jackie Gleason (I'll let you figure out who is who). These two guys are forces to be reckoned with, and it's a blast when they are on stage.
Mark is a multi-talented person who has been a professional wrestler, drummer and woodworker, and Rich has one of the most creative magical minds around -- and together, it's all fun and games.
The brothers played an important role in the grand opening of the California Magic Dinner Theatre back in 2004 as premiere performers, and it's such a pleasure to have them on stage this coming weekend.
One of my fondest memories (fond in retrospect, nerve racking at the time) was during a Saturday night when, two hours before showtime, our headliner could not stay. His wife had just gone into labor and he had to leave. Who was going to take the stage?! On a moments notice The Flying Calamari Brothers jumped right in and headlined the show. This was one of the most exciting and memorable evenings we've ever had, and I'll never forget.
Here's an Oakland Tribune [ article ] by Chad Jones written awhile ago. He writes, "Also high on the laugh meter were the Flying Calamari Brothers (Mark Cassettari and Rich Stewman), whose motto is "it's a crime what they do to magic." Their finale trick involves a card trick, but the twist is that the volunteer's card is found folded up in the middle of a juicy orange selected at random."
Read the whole article [ here ]
Come meet two of my favorite magicians this weekend. We will be celebrating our 600th dinner show.
Get your tickets [ here ]